The Manipura Chakra, also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra, is the third chakra in the traditional Indian system of chakras. It is located in the upper abdomen, around the area of the navel. The name “Manipura” translates from Sanskrit as “city of jewels,” indicating the chakra’s role as a center of power, vitality, and energy.
- Location: Upper abdomen, above the navel, near the solar plexus.
- Color: Yellow.
- Element: Fire.
- Mantra: “Ram.”
- Symbolism: A ten-petaled lotus, often with a downward-pointing triangle, symbolizing the transformative power of fire.
- Associated Gland: Pancreas.
- Function: The Manipura Chakra is associated with personal power, self-esteem, confidence, and the ability to exert your will. It governs the digestive system and metabolism, often linked to the “gut feeling” and intuition.
- Balancing: When balanced, the Manipura Chakra fosters a sense of self-assurance, motivation, and the ability to make decisions and take action. An imbalanced or blocked chakra might manifest as low self-esteem, lack of direction, or even aggression and power struggles. Physically, it may cause digestive issues or related health problems.
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