The Anahata Chakra, also known as the Heart Chakra, is the fourth of the seven primary chakras in the human body according to Hindu and yogic traditions. The term “Anahata” is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “unstruck” or “unhurt,” which refers to the idea of a sound that is produced without any two objects striking together, symbolizing a pure, untouched, and boundless love.
Symbol: The chakra is symbolized by a lotus with twelve petals. Inside the lotus is a hexagram, created by the intersection of two triangles, one pointing upward (representing the masculine energy) and one pointing downward (representing the feminine energy). This symbolizes the union of the divine masculine and feminine.
Location: Center of the chest, near the heart.
Color: Green. The Anahata Chakra is often depicted as a green lotus with twelve petals.
Element: Air, representing freedom, lightness, and the breath of life.
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